Meet the team: Iain Britton

Iain BrittonIain Britton

Iain is passionate about reform across policing and public safety. His interests are in achieving strategic change which puts victims and communities first, sees the experience and delivery of the system through their eyes, increase public involvement, and are evidenced and outcome-based.

Iain has a diverse history working across the criminal justice system, with experience in senior roles across probation, policing, youth offending and drug treatment settings. Most of his previous roles have involved a strong partnership working element.

Iain enjoys undertaking research and leading strategic change. He completed his doctorate in 2015 sponsored by the Bramshill Fellowship programme and he is currently Lead Researcher for a large-scale applied research programme across volunteering in policing. In his recent role as CEO for the Northamptonshire Police and Crime Commissioner Adam Simmonds, he led the development and implementation of a widespread strategic change agenda including most notably transforming victims services, blue light collaboration between police and fire, and a major expansion in police volunteer and Specials numbers and role.

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